Mukminin Sajalah

  • Sekolah (Lainnya):

    TK Al-Huda...SD Bani Saleh 5...SMPN 1 Bekasi....SMAN 1 Bekasi...What will be next???????

  • Pekerjaan:

    Student (of course!)

  • Afiliasi:

    Moslem, Sekutu, PoiSoNs (Pioneer of International Standart Class On Smansasi), Internisti, IAFers

  • Hobi dan Minat:

    Browsing, listening to J-Music, playing guitar

  • Musik Favorit:

    L'Arc~en~Ciel, P'Unk~en~Ciel, Acid Android, VAMPS, tetsu, YUI, Avenged Sevenfold, DragonForce, J Rocks...

  • Acara TV Favorit:

    Music Concert and News

  • Tanda Zodiak:


  • Tentang Saya:

    Tentang gw? Nnnggg...kata temen2 gw orgnya lucu dan terkadang aneh...ada juga temen gw yg bilang gw itu datar...entah apa maksudnya ^_^; Yaahhh...meskipun begitu gw terima aja comment dari temen2 gw...toh manusia itu ga ada yang sempurna, btul ga? Btw sekarang ini gw masih sibuk ama kegiatan sehari-hari yang bisa dibilang cukup padet (Ya...elah, yang bener tuh?) Dari senin ampe sabtu harus ke sekolah, gimana ga sibuk coba? (Sekolah mah wajib atuh...) Untuk saat ini gw lagi suka ama hal yang berbau J alias Jepang, apalagi dari segi music ama anime-nya...Ok deh, menurut gw segitu aja profil tentang gw...

    L'Arc~en~Ciel - NEXUS 4 (translation)

    Without a destination, we drift through the TRAFFIC JAM
    The streets are a chaos, pouring down on us is ACID RAIN
    No seats for tomorrow are vacant as well
    We are wondering dreamers on ELECTRIC SHIP

    We don’t know when it’ll come, this time we yearn for,
    But our burning hearts just won’t let us shut up and wait

    When we look up, a JET cuts across the night sky and rises up into the air, guiding us
    Our rusted wings have not yet shrivelled away
    Our crying out souls are fierier than them
    Come and open your eyes NEXT AGE

    Exponentially multiplying TRAP
    Make one MISS and you are laughed away DELETE
    Future heads toward a fantasy space
    In the end the only thing certain is this belief

    People only stare at chance that is scattered by blazing pillars of fire
    But we can’t just shut up and wait for it

    When we look up, a JET cuts across the night sky and rises up into the air, guiding us
    Just run towards your beliefs you will make it
    Soaring SPEED we won’t let it get away
    Come and jump into NEXT AGE

    Even if we get used and thrown away, we will make them turn their heads
    We are the most powerful MONSTERS equipped with freedom from 0

    Overwhelmed with deafening sounds, counting by seconds START
    In time with the heartbeat SAY 321 GO!
    When you look up, a JET rises up high into the air, we go on a journey

    Don't forget to visit...

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